The Tribal Technical Assistance to Brownfields (Tribal TAB) program supports Indigenous communities in protecting and restoring sacred lands and accomplishing revitalization goals through the reuse, restoration, or redevelopment of brownfields. By providing collaborative, culturally-informed assistance and resources, practical tools, and a meaningful network of peers, mentors, and subject-matter experts, Tribal TAB equips Tribal Nations and tribal entities to address brownfields, build strong Tribal Response Programs, and enhance self-governance opportunities, while protecting and preserving the local environment.
Who We Are
Tribal TAB is a collaborative partnership between Kansas State University (KSU), the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP), and the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC).

We also have an extensive network of partners that includes universities, Inter Tribal Consortia, storytellers, and other professionals with expertise in Tribal brownfields and related fields.
What We Do
The Tribal TAB network provides free technical assistance to all federally recognized Tribes, Alaska Native Villages, and other Tribal entities on topics like:

By creating opportunities for cultivating local capacity, offering trainings and education, and providing one-on-one community assistance, while also providing ample opportunities for peer learning and engaging experienced and new tribal professionals, Tribal TAB can be a trusted brownfields partner to your Tribal Response Program, Environmental Department, and community.

How We Can Assist
Tribal TAB offers a variety of assistance to help advance your brownfields priorities. This includes (but are not limited to):
- Help identifying and inventorying brownfields
- Tribal Response Program resources
- Tribal Brownfields Knowledge Circle
- Identification of potential funding sources
- Brownfields for renewable energy and energy sovereignty
- Incorporating culture and tradition in brownfields efforts
- Strategic planning and redevelopment visioning
- Economic feasibility and market analysis
- Indigenous environmental justice
- Guidance in finding and contracting with environmental firms
- Review of plans and technical documents
- Liaison service between your tribal organization, state or federal agencies or other entities
- A suite of E-Tools, including the Brownfields Inventory Tool (BiT) and TAB EZ grant writing tool
- Other assistance as needed and agreed upon
How to Work with Us
Connect with the Tribal TAB team by emailing us at Tribal-TAB@ksu.edu to get started. Together we'll develop a plan that meets the goals and needs of your community and we'll put together a team of experts to assist you. Please join the Tribal TAB mailing list to receive periodic updates and information from us.