Brownfield Services and Grant Readiness 101
Event Information
Tue, Aug 6 2024, 9:00am - 11:50am EDT
Registration for this event has ended.
This free brownfields webinar will be offered as a half-day webinar to provide information to communities, quasigovernmental
entities and non-profit organizations who have not managed or are new to managing environmental
grants. If you are new to the brownfield world, you will learn about free services and resources that are available to get
you started. If you already have a project or are considering a project in your locale, you will learn what expertise and
capacity is needed to both write and manage state and federal brownfield grants that provide funding for environmental
assessment and cleanup.
Who Should Attend? Communities, local governments and non-profit organizations who are new to grants or who have
not written and/or managed a state or federal brownfield grants but have brownfield sites and revitalization needs in
their community that could benefit from a state or federal grant